The Streak Podcast
An audio experiment.
The Streak Podcast
TSP5: UK Triathlon Magazines 1986-1990
Season 1
Episode 5
I started buying Tri-Athlete UK in July 1988. Then early editions of 220 Magazine and British Triathlon Scene. On a family holiday to Florida in 1989 I even picked up a few copies of the US version of Triathlete.
Over the last couple of years I’ve been buying up vintage triathlon magazines on eBay. Some of them I’d previously owned. But they hadn’t survived multiple international house moves and a few loft purges.
Then I started researching the early UK triathlon magazines.
This episode is therefore just a gathering of my resources rather than an in-depth historical study. But I hope it sets the scene. Starting in 1983 with the emergence of the first two triathlon titles in the USA.